Last updated August 2018

                The Privacy Policy of the website indicated in the epigraph is an integral part of the following Cookie Policy, including the rights that the user can enforce by contacting the addresses already reported. 

                The information may change as a result of the introduction of new rules or as a result of changes to the website, so we invite you to periodically visit this section for the update.

                For any clarification, information, exercise of the rights listed in this statement, contact or – to send racc. a/r – with SCARPARO S.r.l.s. in Via Venezia n. 92/B in Padua.



  1. General information on Privacy.
  2. Definition of personal data and processing thereof.
  3. The privacy subjects of the website.
  4. General information about the processing and the purposes for which we process the data.
  5. The rights of the user.
  6. Information about Cookies.




With this information, the company SCARPARO S.r.l.s. (hereinafter only SCARPARO) with registered office in Via Venezia n. 92 / B in Padua, with VAT number 05076680288, in the person of the pro-tempore legal representative, as Data Controller, wishes to inform you about the processing of personal data that you will provide by browsing this website.

The REG. EU 2016/679 establishes the rules to protect and safeguard individuals with regard to the processing of their personal data and this information is drawn up in accordance with the new regulatory provisions.

The Privacy Policy you are reading is exclusively referable to the website indicated in the epigraph. Our company is not responsible for the methods of management and processing of personal data carried out by third party websites that can be linked through the Cookie section, or through any other referral links on the website.

According to the law, the processing of personal data is based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, protection of the user’s privacy as well as the protection of his rights: SCARPARO undertakes to observe the aforementioned principles and, also for this purpose, informs you immediately that – except for those treatments for which the law requires your explicit consent – by browsing this website, uploading or providing personal data, you accept and agree to be bound by the conditions and terms set out in this statement.

The European Reg. 679/2016 provides for enhanced protection against minors under 16, so if you have not yet turned sixteen, your consent to certain treatments will be legitimate only if given or authorized by the person in charge of the parental responsibility towards you.

In any case, we want to give you some information on the concept of processing personal data, on the people who manage them, on the main processing activities we carry out, as well as on your rights as a user.



By personal data we mean all information that identifies or makes a certain natural person identifiable. This is information that directly allows the identification of the subject (such as the name, surname or tax code) or only indirectly (such as the online identification number or profiling cookies if they are used). By treatment of personal data, on the other hand, we mean any operation or set of operations, carried out with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or a set of personal data, such as collection, registration, organization, the structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction.



The Data Controller (hereinafter also referred to as the “Data Controller”) is the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, individually or together with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing. personal data; it also deals with safety profiles. With regard to this website, the Data Controller is the company SCARPARO as better identified above. For any clarification or exercise of your rights, you can contact you at the addresses already indicated in the epigraph.

The Data Processor, on the other hand, is the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller. With regard to the personal data you provide while browsing this website, the Data Controller has formally appointed the company that manages our Ecommerce as Data Processor. As regards, however, third-party companies that, in some cases, perform services and treatments on our behalf (for example, the company that provides us with the navigation space or the one that provides us with the Email Marketing service), some of these companies have self-appointed as external data processor, while others have guaranteed levels of data protection adequate to European standards, so your data will in any case be protected.

As for the person in charge of processing, that is, the person who processes the data under the control and direction of the Data Controller, the latter has not appointed any person in charge.

For any information regarding the aforementioned subjects (company name, data processed and types of processing they carry out), please contact the addresses already indicated.




General information on the treatments carried out through this site.

First of all, it should be specified that the Data Controller uses only the strictly necessary data in carrying out the treatments, which are indicated with the asterisk symbol (*) in the appropriate compiling spaces on the website. The data provided will be used only and exclusively to achieve the purposes referred to in the following points (by way of example: the data provided for pre-contractual or contractual purposes will not be used for other purposes, except for the consent of the interested party or legitimate interest of the Data Controller. ‘use of data for different purposes).

At the place of treatment

The processing of your data is carried out at the registered office of the Data Controller or at the headquarters of the Data Processor.

The data collected through navigation will not be disseminated or transferred to international organizations.

On the transfer of data to non-EU countries

The hosting we rely on to provide you with the navigation space is located in the EU territory (precisely in Italy) so – in relation to the same service – no data is transferred to non-EU countries.

It should be noted that our company undertakes not to transfer data to non-EU countries. However, when the Data Controller relies on third-party companies to provide you with specific services, some data may be transferred to non-EU countries. This happens because some of the aforementioned companies – or their servers – may be based in non-EU countries. This should not worry you because, if a data transfer is actually carried out, this can only take place with the guarantees provided by law, therefore on the basis of an adequacy decision adopted by the European Commission, or with the protections provided for by the new European Regulation ( such as the presence of binding rules for the company), or – in the absence of the aforementioned conditions – with the consent of the interested party, or in the context of a contract between the interested party and the Data Controller, or in the context of a contract between the Data Controller and a third party to perform a service in favor of the interested party. For any doubts or information on the transfer of your data to non-EU countries, please contact the addresses already indicated.

Processing methods and legal basis.

The processing is mostly carried out with computerized systems (by email, telephone, use of computer programs), but in some cases also paper (through the printing of documents).

Except in cases where the processing requires your explicit consent (which the Data Controller collect through the appropriate box to be selected), all processing is lawful as it is carried out on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Owner or on the basis of pre-contractual or contractual measures requested by the user.

On the communication of data to third parties

For the execution of certain services in your favor some data could be shared with external parties: for example, the company that provides the hosting service could process some of your data, such as the company that provides us with the email marketing service or the company that provides us with the delivery service of the goods.

Also for the fulfilment of legislative obligations your data may be shared with external parties: for example, if you perform illegal activities through this website, Our lawyers, law enforcement or judicial authorities may process some of your data.

On security measures

In any case, the Data Controller undertakes to protect the security of all your personal data, by adopting the computer and physical measures necessary to protect them. It should be noted, however, that no security system guarantees such protection with absolute certainty, therefore, except in cases of liability for fault of the Data Controller, Our company is not responsible for the fact that third parties have improperly accessed the systems without proper authorization.

Data on children under 16

This website also offers direct services to children under the age of sixteen. EU Reg. 679/2016 provides for enhanced protection against the latter. In fact, according to art. 8 the Data Controller may process the data of minors under the age of sixteen only with the consent or authorization of the holder of parental responsibility. Our company has adopted tools to lawfully collect this consent or authorization (see the sentences at the bottom of the data collection forms, through which the user is asked to declare that he is over sixteen years old or that he has been previously authorized by the parent / guardian). However, the Data Controller, through this website, will never be able to check whether – in reality – this prior authorization has actually been issued by the parent / guardian. Therefore, first of all it is advisable to carefully monitor the work of your children or those under guardianship, then we ask you to inform us without delay in the event of receipt of unwanted communications because not previously authorized by the parent / guardian: we will proceed to the immediate cancellation of the minor’s data. sixteen years old. In any case, the Data Controller is not responsible for any collection of data from children under sixteen who have given their consent to the processing without the prior authorization of the parent / guardian. Finally, if the Data Controller considers that some data involuntarily collected refer to natural persons under the age of sixteen, it will proceed without delay to the destruction of the same.


Data processing by simply browsing the website.

By simply browsing, no identification data will be collected. However, for the purposes of the normal operation of the website it is possible that the computer system acquires some information whose transmission is implicit in the internet communication protocols (eg log files). Furthermore, information that the user does not provide directly will be collected through the use of cookies (Cookie Policy). In any case, this is information that is not collected for the purpose of an association with identified interested parties, but which despite this, given their very nature, could still allow third parties to identify the user, through processing and associations. with other data already in their possession (for example, the law enforcement agencies to comply with specific requests by the judicial authorities could trace your IP address or other online identifier).


Treatments by subscription to the “NEWSLETTER” service.

By subscribing to the Newsletter service, the user provides their personal data, i.e. the email address (or, less frequently, other data deemed necessary by the Data Controller).

The user is not obliged to release the aforementioned data, however failure to fill in does not allow our company to carry out the Newsletter service in favor of the user. This service consists in sending the applicant news and information relating to the sector of our work.

The legal basis of the processing consists in the release of consent by the user, or – and this only in the case of users who are already customers of our company who expect to be informed about all the news concerning the sphere of our work – also of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller.

For any transfer of data to non-EU countries, see the item on the transfer of data to non-EU countries pursuant to art. 4.1.

The duration of the processing depends on the will of the user who, at any time, may revoke the consent previously issued by contacting the addresses already indicated in the epigraph or by clicking the “unsubscribe” button inserted at the bottom of the email received. In the case of processing based on the legitimate interest of the Data Controller, the processing ends with the request for opposition by the user, which can be asserted by contacting the above addresses.

The user accepts the registration when, for example, he completes the appropriate form called “Newsletter” on the site, or when he gives his consent to receive such communications also through other pages on the web. To find out the tools through which our company “reaches” the user to propose the subscription to the Newsletter as well as the tools through which our company will send the requested communications, see the Cookie Policy published at the bottom of this letter. Privacy Policy.


Processing carried out for MARKETING purposes.

To receive advertising, promotional and discounts from our company, the user is required to provide their personal data, ie their email, telephone number, address (among these only the strictly necessary data).

The user is not obliged to release the aforementioned data, however failure to fill in does not allow our company to send the requested communications concerning the description of our products, promotions and discounts.

The legal basis of the processing consists in the release of consent by the user, or – and this only in the case of users who are already customers of our company who expect to be informed about all the news and promotions relating to our products – also of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller.

The processing is carried out using computerized and automated systems (in particular by sending emails, but in some cases also by fax) mostly managed by third-party companies that provide us with the email marketing service, as well as through more traditional systems (such as sending ordinary mail or by receiving calls from our operators).

For any transfer of data to non-EU countries, see the item on the transfer of data to non-EU countries pursuant to art. 4.1.

The duration of the processing depends on the will of the user who, at any time, may revoke the consent previously issued by contacting the addresses already indicated in the epigraph. In the case of processing based on the legitimate interest of the Data Controller, the processing ends with the request for opposition by the user, which can be asserted by contacting the above addresses.

The user expresses his willingness to receive advertising and promotional communications from our company when he completes the appropriate form published on this website, or when he gives his consent to receive such communications also through other pages on the web. To find out the tools through which our company “reaches” the user to propose the registration for marketing purposes as well as the tools through which our company will send the requested communications, see the Cookie Policy published at the bottom to this Privacy Policy.


Processing carried out for the creation of “MY ACCOUNT”

By filling out the form called “MyAccount”, the user provides their personal data (username or email address).

Once the registration is complete, the user by entering the data already provided will be able to access their personal area at any time.

The user is not obliged to provide such data, however failure to provide it does not allow the user to create his own account to proceed with the purchase of products in the online store or to enjoy particular advantages, such as the ability to view recent orders. and your wish list (see Article 4.6 for this purpose), manage your shipping and billing addresses, change your password and other Account details.

This processing is lawful as it is carried out on the basis of the user’s consent or on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller. There is a legitimate interest because, although the service does not properly fall within the execution of the contract, the company believes that it can provide it in the sole interest of the user, who will not be harmed in any way in his rights and freedoms.

This processing is carried out using IT tools, such as the use of the computer program and the email service.

The duration of the processing depends on the will of the user who, at any time, can access their account for “unsubscribing” or can directly contact the addresses already indicated to expressly revoke the consent previously issued. In the event of failure to provide consent and therefore use of the Account by virtue of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller, the user may object to the processing at any time by contacting the addresses already indicated.

Registration is only permitted for users who have already reached the age of majority: this is because this form is closely linked to the product purchase procedure which, by law, can only be carried out by someone who has already reached the age of majority. Registrations made by subjects who do not have these requirements will be immediately canceled by the Data Controller.


Treatments carried out by means of the “WISHLIST” button.

By clicking the “Heart” button located in the “product sheet” section, the user manifests their tastes and interests which will be stored in the “WishList” section of the website.

The user is not obliged to provide this data, however failure to provide it does not allow the user to memorize some products and evaluate their purchase at a later time.

This action could generate two different effects depending on the existence or otherwise of the registration referred to in point 4.5.

4.5.1 In fact, if the user has not registered, clicking on the “Heart” will not allow the identification of the user since the data relating to the taste cannot be associated with other data available to the owner of the website. .

4.5.2 On the other hand, if the user had already registered, clicking on the “Heart” would store the preference within the user’s account, thus making it identifiable and revealing a specific taste expressed by the user. The rules set out in art. 4.5.


Treatments carried out for purchase through an online shop (SHOPPING CART – PROCEDURE FOR PURCHASE).

This article regulates the processing of data that the user gives for the purchase of the product in the online store.

The purchase is allowed only to the adult user, who has previously created his own account (see art. 4.5 of this information).

To proceed with the purchase, the user must first click on the desired product. The user’s tastes are stored in the “CART” section. In this section, the user can store multiple products, choose which ones to buy and which ones, instead, delete from the Cart. Once the products to be purchased have been established, the user – by clicking the “progress” button – accesses the additional section aimed at purchasing. In this section, the user must release the personal data necessary for his identification (such as name, surname, address, other), as well as any promotional code.

Ultimately, the user will have to choose the method of payment for the product. The data used for payments will not be processed by the Data Controller, but only by the reference credit institutions. For these reasons, the user is advised to view the privacy policy of the Data Controller’s credit institution (indicated on the website), the privacy policy of their credit institution, as well as that of Pay Pal.

The following rules apply to the aforementioned phases for the purchase of the product.

To proceed with the purchase, the user provides their personal data (data relating to their tastes, name, surname, address, any other address for the delivery of the goods, telephone number, email, their notes, data relating to payment systems, other).

The user is not obliged to provide such data, however failure to release it does not allow the user to purchase the product.

The processing is lawful as it is carried out on the basis of pre-contractual measures (use of data to proceed with the purchase) and contractual (for purchase, for returns, for replacements, other related to the contract) requests by the user. In any case, the Data Controller requires the express consent of the user.

The processing is carried out using computer systems (ecommerce platform) and paper (order printing).

The duration of the treatment depends on whether or not the purchase procedure has been completed. In fact, if the user releases the data but does not purchase the asset, his data will not be stored. Instead, in the case of purchase of the asset, the user’s data will be kept for ten years from the conclusion of the contract and this for legal, accounting and tax protection needs to which the Data Controller is subject by law.

The purchase is allowed only to the majority of age. The Data Controller is not responsible in the case of data provided by minors who have used tricks and deceptions to appear as adults (for example, use by the minor of data and credit cards of parents or guardians).


Treatment following the use of the contact details indicated at the bottom of the website.

By contacting the phone number and e-mail address indicated on the website, the user provides their personal data (for example, name, surname, telephone number, etc.). The provision of such data is optional, but failure to provide it does not allow the Data Controller to respond to requests for information from the user. The legal basis of the processing consists in the execution of pre-contractual measures (requests for information on our business, estimates, other relating to the sphere of our work) or in the user’s consent (which by contacting us will expressly declare) or in the legitimate interest of the Data Controller processing (consent or legitimate interest, only where the information requested is not pre-contractual or contractual). These data will be processed with computer or paper systems and the duration of the processing ends with the evasion of the information service by the Data Controller.



The interested party – i.e. the person who makes his or her personal data available to the data controller – is the owner of the following rights:

  • the right of the interested party to ask the owner for access to personal data, ie to know which data the owner processes;
  • the right to obtain their update;
  • the right to obtain rectification, i.e. the right to have their data modified if they have changed;
  • the right to the integration of their data or the right to integrate the data with other information provided by the interested party;
  • the right to limit the processing that concerns him, i.e. to limit the use of data by the data controller;
  • the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment;
  • the right to data portability, i.e. the right to receive all personal data processed by the owner in a structured and readable format on an IT support;
  • the right to request the cancellation of their data from the owner;
  • the transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those that do not need to be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
  • the right to obtain the attestation that the updating, rectification, data integration, cancellation, data blocking, transformation operations have been brought to the attention, also as regards
  • their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right;
  • the right to revoke the explicit consent previously given at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out up to that moment;
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data in the event of violations of the law.

For a more in-depth examination of the rights that compete with you, see Articles 13 – 15 – 16 – 17 – 18 – 20 – 21 of the EU Reg. 679/2016. Requests can be addressed to the Data Controller, without formalities, to the addresses in the epigraph, or alternatively, using the model provided by the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data available on the site: ;



This website may also use automated tools to send the user advertising in line with their tastes and interests. Information on cookies and automated systems similar to cookies are made available to the user by clicking on the appropriate link called “Cookie Policy” (or “Cookie Policy”) on the website. For completeness, the Data Controller also provides the aforementioned information below.




Last updated August 2018

               The Privacy Policy of the website indicated in the epigraph is an integral part of the following Cookie Policy, including the rights that the user can enforce by contacting the addresses already reported.

                The information may change as a result of the introduction of new rules or as a result of changes to the website, so we invite you to periodically visit this section for the update.

                For any clarification, information, exercise of the rights listed in this statement, contact or – to send racc. a/r – with SCARPARO S.r.l.s. in Via Venezia n. 92/B in Padua.



  1. General information about cookies.
  2. How to select or disable cookies.
  3. Cookies used on the website. How to manage third-party cookies.


  1. General information about cookies.

In accordance with Reg. EU 679/2016, as well as on the basis of what established by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data with resolution of 8.05.2014 for the identification of simplified methods for the disclosure and acquisition of consent to the use of cookies – published in the Official Gazette n. 126 of 3.06.2014 – and in compliance with all subsequent clarifications, with this statement the Data Controller provides its own Cookie Policy.

The purpose of the Cookie Policy is to provide the user with all the information related to art. 13 of REG. EU 679/2016, as well as to describe in a specific and analytical manner the characteristics and purposes of cookies installed on the website, with the possibility for the user to select/deselect individual cookies.

The processing of data through the use of cookies takes place with automated tools and the period of data retention depends on the nature of the cookie used.

What are the cookies.

Cookies are strings of small codes that the sites visited by the user send to his terminal (usually to the browser: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.), where they are stored to be then retransmitted at each occurrence or subsequent access by the same

Why they are useful.

Through the use of cookies the website visited recognizes the user’s device and this determines an improvement of the browsing experience. Among the different purposes of cookies there is to allow the user to navigate effectively between the pages of the website, remind him of favorite sites, memorize the language, etc. ; cookies also help to ensure that the advertising content displayed online is more targeted, in relation to the specific interests of the user.

La classificazione dei cookie.

Cookies are classified in different types: in relation to the duration, the cookie can be session, that is automatically deleted when the browser is closed, or persistent, that is active until its expiry date or its deletion by the user; in relation to the origin, the cookie can be first-party, ie sent to the browser directly from the site you are visiting, or third-party, ie sent to the browser by other sites and not from the site you are visiting.

In relation to the purposes, the cookie can be technical or profiling. For the sake of clarity and importance, this classification deserves further analysis.

The technical cookie allows to improve the user’s browsing experience. In fact, without the use of technical cookies some operations would be very complex or impossible to perform. These cookies – which may be first or third party, session as permanent – do not require prior consent from the user for their installation.

Technical cookies are “strictly necessary” when they allow you to navigate effectively on the website and to take advantage of its essential features, such as allowing you to perform computer authentication or the storage of previous actions. Blocking the use of these cookies may compromise the user’s browsing experience.

Instead, technical cookies are “functionality” when they allow you to improve the browsing experience by storing the preferences expressed by the user, such as language, name, location. By blocking these cookies the browsing experience will not be compromised, however the user will not be able to use these useful services.

Technical cookies are “analytical” when they allow to collect information on how users interact with the site, analyzing the number of pages visited, the time spent on the website, the most visited pages and any other events that emerged during navigation, such as any errors from the page visited. These cookies allow the owner of the website to obtain statistical data relating to navigation and allow us to improve the services offered to the user. Analytical cookies are technical in nature – not profiling instead – only when the owner of the site has adopted appropriate tools to reduce the identifying power of the analytical cookies used, by masking significant portions of the IP address.

For the installation of technical cookies it is not necessary to collect prior consent from the user, therefore – if the website uses only technical cookies – the data controller is not required to collect consent through the cookie banner. The extended information (the one that the user is reading right now) is mandatory.

Profiling cookies, on the other hand, are activated only after the user’s consent has been given. The consent is released by clicking “OK” (or “continue”, etc.) on the banner on the homepage or on another page of the same site. Profiling cookies are used to improve the services offered as well as to select and send advertising based on the preferences and tastes expressed by the user while browsing. The use of profiling cookies to send targeted advertising does not imply the display of multiple advertisements nor will the browsing experience be hindered. In fact, with the deactivation of profiling cookies, the user will see only generic advertising instead of advertisements in line with his interests. Statistical – analytical third-party cookies without IP masking and without data crossing are profiling cookies. Finally, advertising, advertising, tracking or conversion cookies are profiling.

  1. How to select or disable cookies.

Subject to the prior consent of the user in the case of installation of profiling cookies, the majority of browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. By changing the settings of your browser cookies may be limited or blocked. For the management of cookies it is necessary to refer to the instruction manual or to the instructions provided by your browser following the following paths (related to the most common browsers):





If the user uses several browsers, the procedure for deleting cookies must be carried out for each of them. If you are using different devices (such as smartphones or tablets), please refer to your device’s instruction manual to uninstall cookies. It should be noted that if you choose to block the receipt of cookies this may compromise or prevent the proper functioning of the website as some cookies are strictly necessary for navigation.

  1. Cookies used on the website. How to manage third-party cookies


First-party technical and profiling cookies.

This website uses “strictly necessary” first-party technical cookies and “functionality” cookies to improve the user’s browsing experience, for example by:

The speed acceleration service;

for storing previous actions;

to provide the multilingual service.

For the deactivation of these cookies see point 2) of this statement.

This website does not use first-party profiling cookies.


Technical and profiling cookies of third parties.

This website uses third-party tools that also release profiling cookies.

These cookies are not controlled directly by the Data Controller (our company) and therefore, for the deactivation of the same and for more information, the user must observe the following procedures:

1) by clicking you can obtain more information about third-party cookies, as well as more information about the concept of behavioral advertising, promotional and targeting cookies that may be stored on your terminal. The user can deactivate all or only some of these cookies by clicking the following link:


2) The following lists the cookies – or similar systems for features – of third parties used in this website. For the management and deactivation of these cookies and other systems it is necessary to access the information and consent forms of these third parties, by clicking on the links reported below.

Interactive map of Google Inc.

The website uses an interactive map provided by Google Inc. which could determine the installation of profiling cookies for the detection of information and preferences relating to the service. The Data Controller uses this “emded” system exclusively to provide an additional service to the user, therefore it does not use the information collected for other purposes. However, through this system the owner of the site provides information on the user to the third party who provided the interactive map. The third party may combine the information collected with other information already in its availability as provided directly by the user or as collected based on the use that the user has made of the services offered by the third party.

For more information on this service or to disable the related cookies, the user can consult the Google privacy policy at the following address:

Blocking these profiling cookies will not compromise the browsing experience, but the user will not be able to benefit from the service of Google Maps made available by the Owner of the website.

Google Analytics

The website uses Google Analytics for the installation of analytical technical cookies on the user’s terminal. The Owner of the website has adopted suitable tools to reduce the identification power of the analytical cookies used, by masking significant portions of the IP address. The data generated by Google Analytics are stored in the terms indicated in the information notice available at the following address:

The privacy policy of Google Inc. can be found at the following address:

You can disable Google Analytics by installing on your browser the opt-out add-on provided to the following address:

List of analytical technical cookies installed on this website:

                _ga (cookie term: two years)

                _gat (term of duration of the cookie: session)

                _gid (cookie duration deadline: 1 day)

Blocking these cookies will not compromise the user’s browsing experience: it is however appropriate to point out that the statistical data collected anonymously through these technical cookies serve the Data Controller to improve its services in favour of the user.

Google Ads

The Google Ads program is a tool that performs several functions.

With regard to this website, this program is used to perform remarketing functions, that is to allow the Data Controller (ie our company) to “reach” the users, who have visited this website, with the most appropriate advertising message. This advertising message, in most cases, consists of a banner that appears on certain websites visited by the user while browsing the internet. The content of the banner is customized according to the tastes and interests of the user, for this reason, when the owner of the website uses AdWords with remarketing functions, it carries out profiling activities towards the user.

The user can disable the use of these cookies by visiting the following page:

Blocking these cookies will not compromise the browsing experience but the user will no longer be able to receive advertising in line with his tastes or interests instead of generic advertising (in fact, blocking cookies does not decrease the number of online advertisements, but simply their content).

The Google AdWords program could also be used to find out which keywords generate the highest number of clicks on Google and conversions in services requested by the Data Controller. This allows our company to understand what happened after the user clicked on the ad posted in Google (for example, if the user joined the promotional campaign). When the Data Controller uses this program for conversion purposes, it does not profile the user but carries out statistical surveys in aggregate form.

In any case, for more information, also on how to deactivate this program, see:

or, for more information such as cookies that Google programs install on users’ computers, see:

Facebook pixel

The Facebook Pixel is a statistical data collection tool, which serves primarily to monitor how the user interacts with the site (how many times a particular page is visited, the number of accesses). It is a tool that allows the Data Controller to measure the effectiveness of their advertising, as the Pixel allows them to understand the actions that users perform on the website. For example, when the user visits this site and takes an action, the Pixel records this behavior and the Data Controller can “reach” the user using Facebook ads.

The user data that is recorded by the Pixel, to be then transmitted to Facebook, are the reference URL, the browser information and the Facebook user ID. Personalized data could also be transmitted, but no confidential information referable to the natural person.

Basically, through the Pixel the Data Controller makes sure to show his adverts to the right people, he can create groups of public to whom he can allocate the adverts, he can take advantage of Facebbok’s advertising tools. The user, on the other hand, through the Facebook Pixel will receive advertising communications in line with his tastes and interests.

If the user wants to prevent the storage of his data, before visiting this website he must log in to his Facebook account to proceed with the disconnection from the same. In the event that the user has already accessed this site without the previous disconnection procedure, the links to the third party’s privacy policies for the management of their data are shown below:


Facebook Pixels fall into the category of profiling systems, as they allow the storage of tastes and interests of the user, who can receive targeted advertising.

The deactivation of these systems will not compromise the user’s browsing experience, but the latter can no longer receive advertising in line with his interests and tastes.

Social Network Icon

On the pages of the website there are some Social Network buttons (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter). These are the c.d. social network icon that serve to indicate the presence of our company on a certain platform. These buttons do not release profiling cookies. In any case, if you would like to find out how these Social Networks manage your data, see the following point.

Social Sharing Button

The pages of the website may contain buttons and widgets of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Pinterest) to facilitate interaction with social platforms and the sharing of content directly from the pages of this website.

The use of these systems involves the release of third-party profiling cookies.

The Data Controller uses the so-called Social Sharing Button exclusively to provide an additional service to the user, therefore it does not use the information collected for other purposes. However, through the sharing buttons, the owner of the site provides information about the user to the third party who provided the service. The third party may combine the information collected with other information already in its availability as provided directly by the user or as collected based on the use that the user has made of the services offered by the third party.

Given the above, if the user wants to prevent the storage of his data, he must first access his personal account of the social network (in the Privacy Section) and then proceed to log out from the same. All this before visiting this website.

In any case, the web addresses of the privacy information for the management of cookies are shown below.

As for “Facebook”:


As for “Google”:

As for “Twitter”:

As for “Pinterest”:

Blocking these cookies will not compromise the browsing experience, but there will be a service in favor of the user who can no longer agree on the information directly from this page of the site.

Email Marketing

To carry out the email marketing service, our company could rely on third-party companies. The tools used by these companies, in some cases completely automated, could release cookies on users’ computers and allow the segmetation of the same for demographic data, tags and more. When the Data Controller uses these third-party tools to send targeted communications, the cookies used take on profiling characteristics. On the other hand, if the email marketing service, albeit automated, involves sending generic communications to all subscribers to the service, this tool is not profiling.

The deactivation of profiling cookies does not affect the browsing experience, nor the service offered to the user, but the latter will no longer be able to receive information in line with his tastes, interests or other personal characteristics also determined by the geographical location. .

For more information on the companies we rely on, on the data they process as well as on how to manage them, please contact the addresses already indicated.

Final information

For more information, also regarding the disabling of third-party cookies sent to the user’s browser while browsing this website, see

In the course of time, third parties may modify the referral addresses to their own policies: in the event that the aforementioned links do not refer to the information of the third parties already reported, contact the Data Controller at the addresses already indicated in the epigraph.